About Us

We provide the public information about soil, water, and related natural resource conservation; identify and prioritize local soil and water resource concerns; and connect land users to sources of education, technical and financial assistance to implement conservation practices and technologies.

Our Mission

To serve and educate residents and landowners about soil, water, and natural resource conservation practices.  To work together with other agencies to help preserve and nurture conservation in all areas.

A copy of our Warren County SWCD Business Plan is available online.

Annual Report

A copy of our Warren County SWCD 2024 Annual Report is available online.

What We’ve Achieved

  • Arbor Day Tree Giveaway. We gave away 125 trees to third grade students in Pine Village, Warren Central, and Williamsport elementary schools. In 2025, we are going to hand out over 100 trees to students.

  • A Better Way Food Co-Op. The Co-op’s mission is the development of self-sufficiency through a Christ centered program that creates access to nutritious food and promotes healthy lifestyles for the residents of Warren County. The Co-Op and SWCD have partnered to help members learn how to grow plants in raised garden boxes, planters, basic gardening, and other life skills.

  • Newsletter. At the beginning of 2020, we started a newsletter for distribution. Over 700 people across the United States receive our newsletter.

  • Pond Workshop and Fish Stocking. In October 2024, Warren, and Fountain County SWCDs hosted 30 attendees with speakers from Indiana DNR, Zack Mitton-Owner, Aquatic Control and Julie Clark. Twenty-eight people purchased fish to stock their ponds in 2024. We are hosting fish sales in the spring and fall of 2025.

  • Urban Soil Health Program: Warren & Fountain Counties joined forces to form FLASH-Friends Learning About Soil Health to provide soil testing, educational materials, and fertilizer recommendations to residents with gardens and orchards through this new program.

  • Soil Testing. Warren County SWCD partners with Nutrien Ag Solutions to offer soil testing to Warren County residents who have properties under five acres. Indiana State Department of Agriculture offers free soil testing to Warren County residents whose properties are 200 acres or less.

  • Warren County 4-H Fair.  In 2024, we sponsored Thursday, June 20th, at the fair and hosting the NRCS Soil Health Trailer with live demonstrations of the rain simulator on various types of tillage in soils.

  • Well Water Testing. Through collaboration with Indiana State Health Department, we furnish residents with free well water test kits annually. Residents are encouraged to test their well water on a yearly basis.

  • Women 4 The Land: Women’s Learning Circle. In a partnership with Fountain County SWCD, we provide information, networking, education, and resources to women landowners and producers. In 2024, we hosted a forestry event at Diane Billings Family Farm and reached approximately 45 landowners. We are currently planning a for 2025

Our key partners and how they assist:

  • Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS)- Our chief source of technical expertise, in the agricultural area, is the USDA-NRCS.  We share goals to reduce erosion and sediment on productive agricultural lands.  The NRCS District Conservationist implements Farm Bill programs in the county and advises the local SWCD Board as they seek to address conservation concerns on agricultural lands in the county. https://www.nrcs.usda.gov

  • Farm Service Agency (FSA)- Administers farm commodity, crop insurance, credit, environmental, conservation, and emergency assistance programs for farmers and ranchers. https://www.usda.gov

  • Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM)- Provides information and training on the former Rule 5 and MS4 guidelines, along with enforcement of soil erosion and sediment control plans during and after construction.  They provide funding opportunities through 319 Demonstration Grants. https://www.in.gov/idem

  • Indiana State Department of Agriculture (ISDA)- Provides guidance, direction, training, technical assistance, and funding opportunities to the SWCD, including Clean Water Indiana Funding. Also navigates the tillage transects annually. https://www.in.gov/isda

  • Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation District (IASWCD)- Serves as a united voice for all 92 conservation districts across the state.  It helps districts pursue new and updated policy, legislation, and funding at the state level. The Association also helps to award local producers and supervisors with conservation awards annually. https://iaswcd.org

  • Purdue Cooperative Extension- The Extension is the educational branch of the Indiana Conservation Partnership.  Through our local cooperative extension office, we have local staff and university expertise available at workshops, field days, and other conservation education activities. https://extension.purdue.edu/county/warren

  • Local County Government- Provides primary funding for office staff as well as help to increase public awareness of the purpose of the SWCD. https://www.warrencounty.in.gov

  • Warren County Community Foundation (WCCF)- Exists to help friends of Warren County find ways to fulfill their dreams of making our communities a better place today and tomorrow.  The foundation serves donors, awards grants, scholarships, and provides leadership to create lasting positive change in the community.  https://www.warrencountyfoundation.com

  • Warren County A Better Way Food Co-Op- Education outreach source to help with educating the public about the connection with soil and water and food. The co-op helps to provide the community with a hand up from food deprivation and insecurity.  To bring the community together for education on preparing food items and creating food security for residents and landowners.  www.abetterwayfoodco-op.com

  • MSD of Warren County School Corporation- is an educational outreach source for educating youth and creating youth programs such as Jr. Soil Board, Forestry classes, Soil Judging Teams. https://www.msdwarco.k12.in.us/

  • United States Army Corp of Engineers- Assists the districts with wetlands, streams, and bodies of water.  https://www.usgs.gov

  • Residents, Landowners, Producers- Conservation is everyone’s business and responsibility.