Our sponsors are extremely important and help us accomplish our goals.
Why become a sponsor?
To help with conservation efforts in Fountain and Warren Counties
Free advertising Recognized and thanked by name at the Annual Meeting
You will be helping to educate the community on natural resource conservation efforts of all kinds
Satisfaction in knowing you have helped continue what your ancestors got started.
You will be part of something bigger than any of us
Helping our schools and kids with learning about conservation
You can keep your dollars local in being a supporter for SWCD events
What do you feel you could bring to the SWCD?
How does sponsorships help us?
In 2024, we have been able to provide workshops for education outreach through hosting soil health and wildlife management with Women 4 the Land. Teaching 3rd graders about trees and handing trees out. We started an Urban Soil Health Group-FLASH-to help small landowners with gardens and orchards. We held a cover crop no-till field day at Tim and Nick Tabert Farm and hosted a pond management workshop and fish sale.
We are limited on what we can spend our regular funding on throughout the year. So, as we grow with educational events, projects, and programs we need extra funding to help spread the word of conservation.
There are many ways to offer sponsorship to our agency.
Monetarily is only one way to sponsor
Volunteering to help with a project or event
Contributing items to help a project or event to be successful
Offering advice and other resources to help further conservation education
Spread the word about soil and water health-be a teacher in everything you do.
Any combination of these would help all of us to help this Earth and our county.
If you choose to remain anonymous or just do not want to be recognized for all your efforts in helping the SWCD, but wish to donate in some way, you are more than welcome too. Just let us know at time of signup. All monetary donations are tax deductible. Many businesses in and outside of our county have become sponsors for several years now.
Will you become next on the list of such wonderful sponsors?
Sponsorship Levels
Stewardship Level
Includes 2 to 4 hours of Conservation work
Participating in 2 events/educational opportunities
Preservation Level
Includes less than 2 hours of conservation work
Participation in 1 Event or donating items to spread the word of conservation
Recognition at events and meetings
Conservancy Level
Includes opportunity for a representative(s) to set up a display at select SWCD events and our annual meeting
Recognition at events, meetings, and mailings
$100 or above
Show you CARE.
Sponsor TODAY.
Become a Sponsor
If you would like to partner with us, fill out the form below and one of our staff members will get back to you or download and print form.
Make checks payable to Warren County SWCD and mail or drop-off to our office by April 1, 2025, to:
Warren County SWCD
705 B S.R 28 E
Williamsport IN 47993
Email: julie-clark@iaswcd.org
2024 Sponsors
We wish to thank all the sponsors who have sponsored in past years as well as those that are currently sponsors. We ask if you could all encourage others to sponsor the Warren County SWCD. The sponsorship dollars help further education in the community about conservation. We are forever grateful to ALL our sponsors, past and present.
Area Businesses
AccuBurn Inc., Williamsport IN
AHW, LLC., Williamsport IN
Aquatic Control Inc.
Birkey’s Farm Store
Byron Seeds, Rockville IN
Keystone Cooperative, Crawfordsville IN
Dwenger Excavating, Fowler IN
Farm Credit, Williamsport IN
Farmers & Merchants, Boswell IN
Forest Park Insurance, Williamsport IN
Gates Excavating, LLC., Attica IN
Geswein Farm & Land Realty, LLC, Lafayette IN
Bob & David Whistler
CJ Campbell
David Dimmich
Doug & Karen Cooper
Dustin & Sylvia Gates
Joe DePugh
Johnny Klemme
Lori VanMeter
Marilyn & Dan McFatridge
Roger & Janet Seehafer
Tim Tabert
Zach Dimmich